Move To Greatness: Focusing on the Four Essential Energies of a Whole and Balanced Leader will immerse you in each of the four energy patterns, to help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each, know your natural preferences, and know how you can literally move yourself and others to newfound greatness. You will come away from this book with (1) new insight into yourself (from taking a mini version of the Focus Energy Balance Indicator which reveals their pattern preferences), (2) a tailored practice for developing a pattern or leadership trait you would like more of, (from being guided by a professional coach through a process of designing your own best practice) and (3) numerous ways to apply your pattern understanding to overcoming barriers and deeply improving your relationships, communication, conflict handling, teams, and organizations.

Move To Greatness: Focusing on the Four Essential Energies of a Whole and Balanced Leader builds on decades of research that started with Josephine Rathbone in the 1930’s, who found that the nervous system organized movement according to four fundamental patterns. Electrophysiological recordings in the 1960’s further validated that these patterns related to differing orders in which nerves fired muscles. In the 1970’s, Betsy Wetzig recognized these were more than patterns of movement, and began mapping these patterns to a more holistic view of personality known as Coordination Patterns™. Ginny Whitelaw further applied these patterns to leadership, teams and organizations and, together with Mark Kiefaber, developed and validated an instrument – the Focus Energy Balance Indicator (FEBI) - for measuring pattern preferences.

Included in the book is a mini version of the FEBI, plus worksheets that will guide you (along with the skill of an executive coach) toward designing a practice for removing barriers and moving toward greatness. It also includes numerous illustrated exercises – many of which can be done in the office – for strengthening any of the patterns.  Additional chapters include stepwise processes for applying the patterns to communication, conflict, teambuilding, and strengthening organizations.

About the authors...

Ginny Whitelaw, Ph.D.: a partner of Focus Leadership; faculty and program director with Oliver Wyman Executive Learning Center, Zen priest. In addition to management positions at NASA, Ginny was also a manager at Bell Laboratories / AT&T Information Systems and an Aikido instructor for 17 years.

Betsy Wetzig: creator and principle presenter of Coordination Patterns™ Training and Trainer Certification at Twin Ponds Integrative Health Center, LLC. Instructor at Cedar Crest College in PA for 16 years; instructor at Upsala College in NJ for 10 years and is currently an Instructor of the MS Wellness Program at Good Sheppard Hospital (since 2003).  An artist in residence 1980-1982 at CUNY, Staten Island, NY Betsy has also taught workshops at a variety of Colleges and Universities and private studios over the past 30 years.

The book features numerous leaders and organizations in case studies, including...

  • Driver: Michael Dell, Dell, Inc., Mary Minnick, Elliot Spitzer, Martha Stewart, Jim Loehr

  • Organizer: Richard Clark, Merck, Chuck Prince, NASA

  • Collaborator: Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines, Big Thought

  • Visionary: Google, David Dotlich, Steven Jobs, Apple, Dan Goldin  

Look for Move To Greatness: Focusing on the Four Essential Energies of a Whole and Balanced Leader to be available in bookstores early in 2008! To preorder from Amazon click "Buy from" below.


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