"Betsy" Wetzig
The "Patterns"
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Some Outcomes of Coordination Pattern Training... 

A way to choose your class or workshop focus!     Which outcomes do you want?

ON the mental side.....

  • Managing your style and behavior to enhance talents and skills (includes easier access to all of your intelligences)

  • Developing communication, learning, creativity, and leadership for greater life skills

  • Learning to read the movement Patterns and style of others and how to influence, communicate, and handle conflict more effectively

  • Recognizing the behavior Patterns of families, teams and cultures and understanding how to work with them

  • Learning how to change misused Patterns which have limited you in the past

  • Enhancing your freedom of design and style

ON the physical side...

  • Improving physical skills and coordination including gait, alignment, balance, breathing, strength, flexibility, rhythm, and brush strokes

  • Preventing injuries

  • Enhancement of training, at the deepest neuromuscular level, for physical activities such as sports, Pilates, yoga, tai chi, and dance

  • Knowing your relaxation Pattern (and tension pattern scale) and how to engage and apply it to handle stress

  • Learning how to change misused Patterns which have limited you in the past and access all four Patterns  and their style combinations with ease

  • Knowing how to access and utilize the Pattern's centers for control of movement style

  • Recognizing and utilizing the effects of the Patterns for body work and massage

ON both sides...


All of the above plus...

  • Releasing, re-patterning, and renewing youthful energies such as playfulness

  • Learning how the Patterns effect our use of time and space

  • Using a fully integrated body-mindset for a whole and balanced life

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