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Outcomes of Coordination Pattern Training...
A way
to choose your class or workshop focus! Which outcomes
do you want? |
ON the
mental side..... |
Managing your style and behavior to enhance talents and
skills (includes easier access to all of your
Developing communication, learning, creativity, and
leadership for greater life skills
Learning to read the movement Patterns and style of
others and how to influence, communicate, and handle
conflict more effectively
Recognizing the behavior Patterns of families, teams and
cultures and understanding how to work with them
Learning how to change misused Patterns which have
limited you in the past
Enhancing your freedom of design and style
ON the physical side... |
Improving physical skills and coordination including
gait, alignment, balance, breathing,
strength, flexibility, rhythm, and brush strokes
Preventing injuries
Enhancement of training, at the deepest neuromuscular
level, for physical activities such as sports, Pilates,
yoga, tai chi, and dance
Knowing your relaxation Pattern (and tension pattern
scale) and how to engage and apply it to handle stress
Learning how to change misused Patterns which have
limited you in the past and access all four Patterns
and their style combinations with ease
Knowing how to access and utilize the Pattern's centers
for control of movement style
Recognizing and utilizing the effects of the Patterns
for body work and massage
ON both sides... |
of the above plus...
Releasing, re-patterning, and renewing youthful energies
such as playfulness
Learning how the Patterns effect our use of time and
Using a fully integrated body-mindset for a whole and
balanced life
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